Sustainable Tairāwhiti – Toitu Tairāwhiti
05 September 2024
This is where all strategy, plans, policies and bylaws are delivered through one committee.
Strategy, plan, policy and bylaw making are separated from operational decision-making.
Monitoring of the state of the environment happens in this Committee to feed into regulatory plans, policies and associated bylaws.
To develop, approve, review and recommend to Council (where applicable) statutory and non-statutory policy, plans, bylaws and strategies to:
- Develop a vision and a pathway for the future of the district.
- Sustainably manage resources in the region.
- Identify and promote community aspirations.
- Define and deliver on Council’s roles.
- Integrate an all of wellbeing approach to strategy, plan and policy development.
- Have effective statutory plans and bylaws to protect community and environmental needs
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